Does Campbell, Lee & Ross have relationships with other financial institutions?

Posted in Investments, Expertise

We partner with some of Canada's largest financial institutions to maintain a broad range of institutional relationships in benefit of our clients.

Our custodian is National Bank (NBCN). They are the largest custodian for the discretionary investment counsellor segment. Most of our competitors deal exclusively with them.

We have adopted a different strategy – because we believe more options are better than fewer options.

We maintain relationships with Royal Bank, TD Bank, ScotiaBank, CIBC, Bank of Montreal and Laurentian Bank.

We also have relationships with a number of independent brokers such as Canaccord, GMP Capital and AltaCorp. Lastly, we have an excellent working relationship with Morgan Stanley, Stifel and Macquarie.

We believe there are a multitude of benefits with working with these first class institutions. Some of these include:

  • Institutional access to new security issues (Stocks, Bonds, Preferred Shares and Convertible Debentures).
  • Institutional access to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).
  • The ability to shop around for better pricing on trades.
  • A better range of Fixed Income products.
  • Access to both domestic and international research from top tier financial institutions around the globe
  • High level macro-economic analysis and outlooks from major bank analysts and strategists  

Our primary focus is on long term investing, but we also maintain a network of relationships to gain access to up to the minute information on all of the financial markets. This allows us to identify occasional short-term mis-pricing opportunities.

How can this network of relationships help you? Contact us to find out.