RRIF | Registered Retirement Income Fund

Registered Retired Investment Fund, Oakville, Toronto

Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) can be utilized as a natural extension of your RRSP investments.

RRSP accounts have the option of being rolled over into a RRIF structure by the age of 71.This then requires the RRIF holder to start drawing the funds down with prescribed minimum withdrawals or larger amounts depending on your needs.

Like RRSPs, all of the investment returns inside the RRIF account is tax free until they are distributed out of the account. The withdrawing of funds from an RRIF requires strategic thinking with regards to the investments held in these registered accounts.

At Campbell, Lee & Ross Investment Management we specialize in creating investment portfolios for RRIF accounts that create the cash flows you will need to fund your retirement.

As we monitor the stage of life-cycle investing you are moving through, we make sure that you experience a smooth transition from your RRSP investment portfolio to your RRIF portfolio.

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Tips About RRIFs

RRSP Contributions - Friend or Foe?

It seems almost sacrosanct to question the benefits of making an RRSP contribution these days, but is it always the right thing to do, even if you can?

Can I unlock my locked-in RRSP (LIRA)?

Ideally you will leave your locked-in RRSP (LIRA) untouched until retirement, but what if you require the funds now?

New RRIF withdrawal minimums – why did they change?

Clients receiving annual RRIF payments recently had to adjust to new government changes regarding minimum withdrawals.

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